Leaving just isn't easy! It is unfortunate and it happens. When it does, we fight it because leaving someone we have spent time living with and loving is no easy task. In every relationship, regardless of how it started or how it is ending, there are so many good things you have convinced yourself could and should keep you together. They do, until the day you wake up and realize the things that once worked no longer do.
You know you've changed. You've grown. The little things that once brought a smile to your face are now a burden in your heart. You know what you have to do. You just don't know how to do it. You don't want anyone, especially you, to get hurt. You know that if you could just say what you feel, if you could just move beyond the fear, the guilt, the anticipation of anger, you could close this door. It wouldn't be easy, but you could move on. You know you have done the best you could do. You know you have given all that you have to give. Yet for some reason you keep on trying to make it work. Well, here is something that you may not know...
When you have learned all you can learn in a relationship, its season will end. When you have healed what you came into the relationship to heal, its purpose has been fulfilled. When a relationship is over, it is over! Hanging on will only make the days ahead darker!
Precautions Using Viagra
5 years ago
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