Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Love Never Goes On Sale

By Sonya Walker
Thursday, July 31, 2008

It Cost Too Much

There was a song written by Kirk Franklin that said this, "Love, a word that comes and goes, but few people really know what it means to really love somebody." Everyone desires to love and to be loved, to be captivated by the feelings and emotions that make the sunshine even on a cloudy day. To be embraced by this thing we call 'love.' The bible says, 'that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus) to die for our sins.' We live in a time where people throw this word around like it has little value and little meaning.

The bible defines love by saying, 'that love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself; does not behave rudely, it's not puffed up.' (1 Corinthians 13:4) We do just the opposite our definition of love is: short, jealous, to show off, inconsiderate, full of hot air and to top it off 'fake.'

People only honor their marriage vows until they see something else they like. People say that they love each other right in middle of sex, or ask them do you love me right in the middle of an orgasm and when they come up for air they never repeat those words or better yet act like they are in love. They told me that they loved me, NO at that time they loved that moment. And, what I would like to know is, why did you wait until then to ask that kind of question? Is it that maybe you know in your heart that this is the only time that you will receive the answer you are looking for?

Looking In the Sales Paper

Often times when people don't want to pay full price for love, they start looking for bargains. They go online to chat rooms, post their love on the internet with their pictures, go to the club with their breast out, butt out, they go to the singles ministry at church, they hang around the break room, you've seen it, looking to give their love away on a budget.

And there a woman met him,

With the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart.

She was loud and rebellious and her feet would not stay at home.

At times she was outside, at times in the open square,

Lurking at every corner;

She caught him and kissed him; with an impudent face she said to him;

I have peace offerings with me;

Today I have paid my vows.

Proverbs 7:10-14

For example, you went out with someone, they took you or better yet you met them somewhere and maybe they bought you a drink. They spent all of $10 on you that night and then the two of you decided to go to bed together. When I was in elementary they use to give us math problems, and they would ask you to solve the problem, 'if Bob spent $10 on Susan, how much love did Susan give to Bob.' The answer is she gave him all that she had. So who came out on top and the answer would be Bob, because he received love on sale, he ended up with something of more value and less money, less time and less effort. He received a great deal! I wonder how many more people have coupons to receive your love. Do you have written on your coupon offer expires soon, or do you have no restrictions required? Where is your love coupon posted, on your blog, your MySpace page, or is it the clothes you wear? There was a song by DeBarge that went like this, 'it's just the little things you do to show just how much you really care.' Some of you have taken pictures of yourself to show people just how much love you have to offer. Pictures of your private parts, pictures with you lying on your bed, pictures on your camera phone, all in the name of LOVE. God is asking for you to stop in the name of LOVE, you're breaking His heart selling yourself like that. Because, God is love!

Can I get a Price Check!

When was the last time you took out the time to check and see just how much you are worth? You post your picture up on the internet with an invisible sign that tells others that you are for sale. You talk to strange people who can tell you anything and you believe them. But, you question God's love for you? You go to visit them or you allow them to come visit you all because you want to be loved. You go to church every Sunday, are you going for the word of God, or do you go in hopes of finding you a man. Let's check our motives, shall we? That person on your job, do you tell them your problems or listen to their problems because you need to vent or let the truth be told you are interested in them. (married or single)

Why do you really feel it necessary to seek counseling from the pastor or brother so and so? Why are you really joining the choir? Why are you really going to that party is it to have fun or is it to find you a man? Remember now we are just getting a price check! We need to check prices from all stages of life, it's not just those of us who are single, the married people need to check themselves, leaders need to check themselves, corporate people need to check themselves, the old and the young need to check themselves;

For some people love is tied up in the price of their possessions. You think that just because you drive, dress or own something that this qualifies you for love. My love, you can own as much as you want but money can't buy you love. The bible say this: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Robin would say to Batman, "Let's solve this riddle," you will be left with nothing.

No Refund and No Exchange

How do I love me, let me count the ways? How many sex partners have you had? How many of them paid the full price to receive your love? What have you given in exchange for love? We give GOODS for SERVICES, and then cry about it. The Lord gave you every sign not to get involved with that person but you thought that if you gave him sex (services) that he would give you love (goods). You thought that if you would cook for him, and do whatever he tells you to do (services) that he would make you his wife (goods). You think that God owes you something because you have perfect attendance at church and you pay your tithes (service) that God is suppose to give you a man when and how you want it (goods).

But you made payments to all your lovers,

And hired them to come to you from all around (internet, parties, church, and work) for your harlotry because no one solicited you to be a harlot.

In that you gave payment but no payment was given you, therefore you are the opposite.

For you are worse than a prostitute because at least she get payment for her services.

Ezekiel 16: 33,34

In other words people spend their money on what they think is necessary or worth spending. If they really want you they will pay the full price. Listen to the scripture; if they don't want you don't sell yourself short or give your love away, and neither is it for sale. You are the one paying the price! I want to share something with you. I just learned the meaning of 'make it rain,' it means to throw money in the air for strippers. Now if someone can throw money to a stripper that is just stripping for all to see, they pay to get in and then buy drinks and throw money away like that. Then my question to you is why are you exposing yourself for all to see but the only difference is that they throw the word love, they throw the word commitment, they throw things that make you climb poles just for 'love.' You are putting up with so much just because you want to be in love. Priceless.

He Paid Full Price

I want to tell you about a man, who paid full price for the one that he loved. You might have heard about him, his name is Jesus. He died just for you! He rose from his grave just for you! He sent me to write these articles just for you! His love goes beyond all knowledge! He is the lover of your soul; His love for you never runs out! If you make your bed in hell, behold Jesus is there, if you have had multiple sex partners Jesus still loves you. His love is unconditional. Jesus told me to tell you that loving Him doesn't cost you a thing. You are so loved, that he calls you "His Beloved." How much more are you willing to pay just to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back? When Jesus is standing by to shower you with His love, why settle for a one minute man when you have an everlasting God? Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus that you would shower them with your love, teach them the true meaning of love. Lord make it rain. Lord, this is my prayer for the ones you love.

Beautifully Speaking,


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